Your Vote is Your Voice! Make it Count on Nov. 8
North Carolina's statewide General Election will be held on Nov. 8! Your vote is your voice! Here are some resources to help you prepare for this year's elections.
VOTER REGISTRATION for this election is OCTOBER 14, 2022!
The voter registration deadline is October 14, 2022, for general elections taking place on November 8, 2022. (After October 14, 2022, only same-day registration during one-stop early voting is available.) In North Carolina, the civilian voter registration deadline is 25 days before Election Day.
Find additional information at Voter Registration Deadlines.
Ways to Register
You can register to vote in person at the DMV, or by mail. Click here to learn more.
Click the links below for Orange County voting resources.
Click the links below for Chatham County voting resources.