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OCHAR Committees

OCHAR Members Serving Members

OCHAR Committees are comprised of members who volunteer their time and expertise to improve services for members. We invite any member who is interested to sign up to serve on one of our committees. For details about each committee, meeting dates, and news, click on the LEARN MORE button below the committee information.

We are always looking for more people to join in and have a voice in OCHAR. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please complete our committee application.


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Fair Housing +

Promotes diversity, equity, inclusion and fair housing practices to Realtors®.


Rremida Shkoza




Develops educational programs and opportunities for continuing education and professional development. Provides speaker and topic recommendations to association.


Ray Posada

Gov Affairs

Government Affairs

Provides updates on important local issues and meets with local leaders, attends planning and town hall meetings and plans events/projects for members to make a difference in our communities.


Cathy Carr

member engage

Member Engagement

Promotes the value of using a Realtor® and engages in community activities that enhance the image of Realtors® in the community. Assists with planning and implementing projects that raises awareness of the work that Realtors® do in our communities, and plans social events to keep members engaged, networking and socializing with one anothers.


Gayle Claris


Finance & Budget

Works with BOD and accountant to maintain and report on the association budget.


Jaye Kreller



Works on an as-needed basis to determine if a complaint fits within the guidelines of a violation as described in NAR's Professional Standards.

pro standards

Professional Standards

Encourages member professionalism, involvement and certification in C2EX and presides over professional standards hearings.


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